Thursday, October 22, 2015

still life preview

Step 2: In a new blog entry titled "Still Life Preview" and answer the following questions

1. Review the painting example and provide a list of three items that were often seen in painted still life artwork.

  • most that were painted in the pictures were literarily still life of cites, of a bird  flying then paused as it goes into the flower,and lifestyles . 

2. In your own words, write a paragraph that explains what factors the photographer must consider when doing still life photography.

  • factors photographers should keep in mind when doing still life is keeping a plain background and deflecting light off certain areas to bring out the picture.

3. Why is the Aperture Priority mode on the camera helpful when doing still life photography?

  • helps with you being in control or blur the background 

4. Why is a small aperture sometimes beneficial for still life photography?

  • having a small aperture when using still life is good because you could so times obtain a shallow focus.

Step 3: Explore ideas for Stock Photography sites above and answer the questions below.

1. Find an example of Stock Photography that interests you and post it to your blog.

2. What is an example of Stock Photography that you could take at your home or in Austin?
  • the blur effect stock photography 
3. Who is interested in buying stock photography?
  • people that light fruit and or still pictures with people and food with blank backround 
4. Why should commercial photographers consider shooting stock photography?

  • because its relatively easy all you need is blank background  and a light and more people buy them

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