namiah wright
Year In Photos Review : 2015
1. Label the type of photography it is. Examples: Street (Urban), Photojournalism, Landscape, Cityscape, Black and White, Portraits, Food, etc.
The picture is slightly portrait and landscape.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
The rule they introduced is the rule of Thirds.
The picture is slightly portrait and landscape.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
The rule they introduced is the rule of Thirds.
3. Describe the lighting:
- Light source or light sources? The light source used in the picture is natural light.
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know? There is a really natural look to this photograph
- How did photographer enhance photo through use of light? The photographer high lightened her cheekbones and face to make the person stand out a little more, and a little details in the flowers.
The photographer had to capture the smile of the person and stillness of the flowers.

The photograph is urban.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
3. Describe the lighting:
- Light source or light sources? The light source they've used is natural light.
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know? The lighting is very mixed between artificial and natural light.because you can tell of the texture of the background its still bright but frigid outside.
- How did photographer enhance photo through use of light? brightening and focusing on the peoples faces and texture
1. Label the type of photography it is. Examples: Street (Urban), Photojournalism, Landscape, Cityscape, Black and White, Portraits, Food, etc.
landscape and white and a little black.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
landscape and white and a little black.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
3. Describe the lighting:
The photographer had to catch the dark lights and brightness also the Action- Light source or light sources? There is natural light sources here.
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know? There is natural and mixed lighting because they clouds are brightened in the middle.
- How did photographer enhance photo through use of light? by highlighting the clouds and the dark figure

2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
Half and Half
3. Describe the lighting:
- Light source or light sources?
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know? Mixed light with natural light and other sources.
- How did photographer enhance photo through use of light? they've enhanced the photo with light by putting other sources and brighting certain areas.
4. Explain what work photographer have to do to capture this image? the photographer had to still the action and even out the dark and light.
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